Saturday Winter Walks ...
These were a new initiative for the winter of 2018/19 and following their success we have decided to continue each winter season. This year they will occur on the first Saturday of each month, September – March, each with a different walk leader.
The walks all start at 10am sharp and be finished between 2pm and 3pm. They will all be local, guided, and on good paths for winter months. However, anyone taking part MUST wear appropriate hiking boots and waterproof clothing, and be prepared to accept the advice of the club member leading the walk in relation to weather conditions, clothing and navigation. Walkers should also bring their own packed lunches and (hot) drinks.
Dogs on leads are welcome on these walks, if accompanied by a well behaved and responsible owner.

Booking Information ...
There is no fee and no need to book to attend these walks, however due to insurance they are only open to full club members.
If you are a Wednesday Walker wishing to attend then you will need to pay the full club membership fee of £15, however this will include membership of the club for the following year – currently 2020.
This also means that you can enjoy any of our events, including socials, coach meets or hut weekends at the members rate.